Work Appropriate for Who? Featuring, Paloma, the Attorney

Today’s interview features 1/2 of the blogging duo from Nine Thirty to Five! These girls show off their daily work style on their blog and show how you can still show your personal style through a business casual dress code.






Job Title


Job Description

I am an employment litigation attorney on the defense side (this means I represent companies who get sued by employees/former employees).

Organization Description

Mid-size, California-based law firm.

What dress code was given to you when you began the job?

Business Casual, except in the event of court appearances/depositions/client meetings and the like. Then, its a suit.

What do you generally wear to work?  

I stick to a pencil skirt/blouse/cardigan/heels combo pretty faithfully, but I try to bust out of that rut as frequently as possible.  However, I find the combo to be full of endless possibilities!  And I like to try to mix it up color-wise and accessory-wise.  Of course, if its a court appearance day or a day that I am taking a deposition, meeting with a client, or doing something that requires me to look as lawyer-ish as possible, I will wear a suit (I have gray and black, pants or skirt) with a camisole or blouse underneath. 

Where do you like to shop for work attire? 

The Limited, LOFT, J.Crew and J.Crew Factory are faves.

How have you developed your professional style?  

Honestly, I used to be pretty timid, fashion-wise.  When I first started working as a professional, I was so intimidated and didn’t want to stand out at ALL.  So I pretty much limited myself to a black or gray pants/skirt and a top combo for the first year or so.  However, as I became more confident professionally, I began to take more liberties with my wardrobe, by wearing more color, interesting jewelry, and silhouettes. Starting a blog really helped break me out of that rut as well, since I wanted to look cute on the internet so I had to try a bit harder. 

In your specific office, what is one thing you would tell a woman to definitely NOT wear? 
I think my office is relatively laid-back on the dress code, but I am of the belief that you should not push the dress code envelope too far (i think Karen and I differ on this one – haha!), so I am pretty conservative on some points.  As an attorney, you always have to dress as though a big client were going to walk into the office at any moment – you don’t want to be caught dressed like you are going clubbing when the CEO of some Fortune 500 company comes waltzing through.  I would say no sneakers and no ripped or even distressed jeans. Even on casual Friday. I think some people do it but I think its frowned upon.  Also, skirts that are too short – I think it doesn’t look professional though honestly some people can pull off a shorter skirt in the professional environment really well – not me. 

What is the best “dress code” advice you have ever received?
Always dress a little more professional than the dress code requires.

What advice would you give to women starting in her career about dressing for her job?
Err on the side of caution at first – when you are a newbie lawyer you don’t want to be known of as “that girl with the crazy clothes.”  That said, definitely let your personality shine through in your clothes! A fun colorful bag or a great statement necklace can be great conversation starters and are an easy way to make a conservative outfit a bit more fun.

Anything else you would like to add?
Read fashion blogs of working women – I find that to be very helpful in developing a work-wear style! 🙂

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  1. Can't wait to follow her blog now! Such cute outfits – and I spy some pieces I already own, which will be fun to remix thanks to her tips!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring me – such an honor! 🙂 –Paloma (

  3. Nine Thirty to Five is one of my favorite blogs out there! So fun to see Paloma featured here.

  4. Dana Weinstein on

    Yes! I love their blog posts and they've given me some great ideas for remixing too!

  5. Dana Weinstein on

    Thank you for participating!

  6. Dana Weinstein on

    I'm glad you enjoyed it! I was really happy when the girls agreed to participate!