Currently, Vol. 2

It’s time for another Currently Link Up and a little glance at what’s going on in my life right now! 
Currently, Vol. 2 | Something Good
celebrating…the little things. Working towards those larger goals are great, but there’s no harm in celebrating the little victories along the way. Plus, it makes it a little more exciting when you get things done.
reading…some upcoming summer releases (there’s going to be a new Liane Moriarty!!) and a whole boatload of young adult books. There are so many good books coming out right now and not enough reading time.
pondering… summer plans. I want to make sure this summer doesn’t get away from me this year, so I think I may do what I do best and make lists (such a type-A). I’m thinking of making a mini summer bucket list and hopefully using a few things from my 101 in 1,001 list to put it together. 
sipping…new flavors of tea! I’ve been on a tea ordering kick (thank you Teavana friends and family sale) and I can’t wait to try some new flavors. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is sit outside and read with a cold drink, so I’m excited to have some new ice tea flavors to try.
going…back to sleep. After three weeks of traveling, I’m excited to finally have some weeks at home to relax…and clean out my closet. I’m also hoping to finally visit some friends in Pittsburgh this July, which will be nice since I haven’t been back in forever.
So what’s been going on in your life lately?

Linking up with the Currently Link Up

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