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Take a Break

These past few weeks have been…well, crazy to say the least. Between all of my packing, moving, and planning, relaxing time has been virtually non-existent. While everyone was relaxing and rebooting during the 4th of July, I spent it packing up my apartment and making lists of all of the things I needed to do before putting my things into storage and moving into my temporary place. But now all of that is settled and I get a few weeks to relax before I finally get to move into my new apartment.  Man, I really need to plan a real vacation. Anyone taking any fun trips this month or in August?

Dress: eshakti c/o (Same)
Wedges: DSW (Old, Similar)
Also, a quick note about this dress, it was made to my exact measurements by eShakti and I love it! Check out their website for dresses custom made to fit your exact side.
Photos c/o Ashlyn
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