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Taboo on FX

Note: This post is sponsored by FX Networks but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. As always, thank you for supporting the brands that support Something Good!

It’s official guys, I’m entering my hibernation mode! Which means it’s time to make the long list of tv shows and books I want to try out. My latest try? Taboo on FX.

Set in 1814, Taboo follows James Keziah Delaney, a man who has been to the ends of the earth and comes back irrevocably changed. Believed to be long dead, he returns home to London from Africa to inherit what is left of his father’s shipping empire and rebuild a life for himself. But his father’s legacy is a poisoned chalice, and with enemies lurking in every dark corner, James must navigate increasingly complex territories to avoid his own death sentence. Encircled by conspiracy, murder and betrayal, a dark family mystery unfolds in a combustible tale of love and treachery.

I don’t know what it is about winter, but it’s always when I want to dig into shows that are a little grittier, a little darker. I’ve been on an England-themed kick off and on for a while, so I’m ready to try out any new shows that relate back to it.

It doesn’t premier until January 10th though, so you still have some time to watch the trailer and learn more about it. You also have a fun chance to win a secret collection of diamonds (not joking). These diamonds are worth over $3,000.

Let me know if you enter and good luck!

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