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Sunday Book Club: Perfect Books for Every #Girlboss

Okay, I’m going to address the elephant in the room first before I get to this post. Yes, you saw this part of this post on here a week ago. Yes, I accidentally published it and left it up for a full day before I realized. Yes, mistakes happen. I’m not perfect and I quite often make mistakes. So my apologies to those of you who are seeing this again and yes I realized that most of you probably didn’t even see this post the first time and would have never even realized it if I hadn’t pointed it out. However, it was bugging me (for no reason), so I wanted to mention it.
Now on to the post! 

Leave Your Mark / GirlBoss
Why Not Me / Better Than Before / Year of Yes
The Tipping Point / Likeonomics / Outliers

I’ve gotten really into audiobooks and inspirational memoirs/business books over the past year. On days when I’m not really feeling up to GSD-ing, these books have helped me get back to work and create some of my favorite content for this blog. 

One of the things I love about this list is that a majority of the books are written by women! Isn’t that the best? These women all kick ass and they share in these books how they got to that point in their lives and how you can do that too. Additionally, books like #GirlBoss and Leave Your Mark give incredibly helpful and tangible advice that you can apply to your blogging job or full time career (if like me, your blog is your side hustle).
I also wanted to include a handful of books that I read while I was in grad school that were an incredibly insightful look into how people think and how loved businesses came to be that way.
Want to purchase any of these books? Just click above and I’ve also included a few of them below.

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