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Gifts that Give Back: St. Jude Thanks and Giving at Pottery Barn

Last year I decided to forgo the typical gift guides and focus on my Gifts that Give Back Series. (TLDR: gifts whose purchase also help a charity/someone in need.) This year, I was planning on doing the same, but a readers poll mentioned that a few of you actually wanted some specific gift guides.

So we’re going to compromise!

Wednesday posts will continue to focus on gifts that give back.

Gift guides will be sprinkled in over the next few weeks. I currently have gift guide requests for the in-laws and the men in your life. If there are any other gift guides you want though, suggest them below!

Now that we’ve cleared that up, the topic of today’s post: St. Jude Thanks and Giving at Pottery Barn.

Is there a better way to kick off Gifts that Give back than something that supports St. Jude? Personally, I don’t think so. Especially when these blankets look so warm and cozy.

Plus, big blankets like these are such an easy gift. They’re a neutral gift that could really be given to anybody. If you want to be really creative, pair it with a few of that person’s favorite movies and some packs of microwave popcorn.

What are your thoughts on blankets as presents? Yes or no?

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