Saturday’s Something Good: Book-lover’s Edition

I know, it’s a little late in the day…but hey, it happens. I hope you can have it in your heart to forgive me. Anyhow, I realized that I don’t talk about books on here nearly as much as I read them, so I figured it was time for me to start including some books on here. I’m going to find a way to weave it into posts, but for now, I figured I would give you a book themed SSG.

1. There’s an awards session for everything, so of course there’s one for audio books. I’m always trying to figure out how to pick which audio books I want to listen to, so I figure for now I’ll use this as a handy guide.

2. After catching up on Girls last weekend, I realized that watching multiple episodes of Girls in a row depresses me a little. I didn’t really think much of it until I came across this article on (check it out if you haven’t yet). After reading that I really can’t stop thinking if maybe that’s part of the reason I have such mixed feelings about this show, since the second season, is Hannah really a believable writer?

3. I don’t have an ipad, but this is such an adorable “Old Books” ipad cover.

4. Google doodle: Did John Steinbeck spy for the CIA? (+video). Whaaaaaaaat?

5. 19 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About “The Devil Wears Prada”. It was based off of a book.  And after you read this, go read the book if you haven’t.

6. Has anyone else read any books by Rainbow Rowell? I listened to Eleanor and Park a few weeks back and now I’m reading Fangirl and I love it. I’m only part way through, but I feel like I’m going to be really disappointed once I’ve finished this book that it’s over.

7. When you realize that you don’t like the book you’re reading, how many of you keep reading it? Normally I make myself power through, but lately, I’ve been stopping. Why keep doing something you don’t enjoy if you don’t have to?

Inbox: Rumors, Fangirl

Outbox: David and Goliath, The Dressmaker, The Goldfinch, I am America and So Can You

Queue: Twisted, How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, Levels of Life

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