Saturday’s Something Good

1. So who’s going to buy me a puppy?

2. I hadn’t thought about this, but after reading this article, it’s becoming painfully obvious. Why can’t actresses be famous without being hated?

3. Oscar buzz may be over, but doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy every Best Actress Oscars dress since 1929.

4. A Stanford paper about whether or not playing hard to get works. NOTE This is not an onion article. I know, I was surprised too.

5. Gilmore Girls filming locations by episode. As someone who will always be a Gilmore Girls fan, this is awesome.

6. Great Babble article from Merrick about how to half tuck your shirt (something I do fairly often).

Books Books Books

7. 22 Books You Should Read Now, Based On Your Childhood Favorites. And my reading list just go so much longer.

8. 40 Worst Book Covers and Titles Ever.

9. Read teen books online for free, since I know I’m not the only one who enjoys YA.

Reading Mailbox
Inbox: Matched, Sweet Tooth
Outbox: Levels of Life, Fan Girl, Twisted, Luxe
Queue: Mr. Fox, Attachments

I’m so behind. Don’t even talk to me about this. I’ll catch up one day maybe.

Ahhhhhhhhh Veronica Mars movie. Everything I could possibly want.

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