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Red, White, and Blue: 4th of July Favorites

Fourth of July Favorites
Growing up, I loved the 4th of July! One of my favorite memories was going down to the lakefront with my family and friends to watch the fireworks on the 3rd. No, that was not a typo. If you happen to go to Milwaukee for the 4th of July, the HUGE fireworks festival actually takes place on the 3rd. The actual reason is so that the city fireworks don’t conflict with the small neighborhood fireworks, but I loved that it extended the holiday an extra day. 
In the spirit of getting you ready for fireworks, here are all of my Fourth of July favorites. When I was little, we would always walk down to the fireworks. I always thought this walk took forever, but I went with my parents in college and I realized that it actually wasn’t that far at all! In the spirit of that, here are comfy (and holiday appropriate) TOMS shoes to walk down to wherever you’ll be watching the fireworks this year. Also, the watermelon was on purpose. Honestly, nothing says summer to me more than getting to sit outside and enjoy my favorite fruit. The 4th is the perfect excuse to just relax all day and eat your way through an entire watermelon (or is that just me?)

Fourth of July Fact:
“$203.6 million: The value of fireworks imported from China in 2013, representing the bulk of all U.S. fireworks imported ($213.8 million). U.S. exports of fireworks, by comparison, came to just $10.2 million in 2013, with Israel purchasing more than any other country ($2.7 million).” Source:

Linking up with 
Ashlyn and  Kristin for 4 Favorites!

Also, need to prep your wardrobe for the 4th? There’s a Flash Sale at LOFT: 50% off Entire Purchase. Shop from 7/2 7p EST – 7/3 10a EST

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