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Currently, vol. 64: July 2021

Note: This post contains affiliate links about Currently, vol. 64: The Good Witch. Thank you for supporting the brands that support Something Good.

I really thought that June was going to be significantly less stressful that March through May…but life is never that easy, right? June was just as stressful, but in a brand new way. Luckily, it also brought some fun new discoveries.

My Current Favorites:

Currently, vol. 64: The Good Witch


Healthier…but this answer is about to go two very different ways. Okay, so first, yes, I’m try to eat much healthier now. To put it bluntly. Between the stress over everything the last few months, and the stress that hasn’t let up like I thought it would this last month, I’ve gained more weight than I’m happy with. Workouts that use to be easy are difficult and walking fast (which I use to thrive on doing) makes me winded. So I’m going to start eating healthier. I’m in general a healthy eater, but I’ve been following this nutritionist for a while who shares incredibly easy to make meals and sample meal plans. I already eat fairly similar to what she posts, so I’m going to try to fine tune what I eat even more and see how that helps. There is in no way shape or form going to be any extreme dieting or extreme anything. That’s not how I roll. Plus, I know that never actually works. Just a few fine tuning here and there to see what actually works. Plus, I feel like if I put in here, I might actually stick to it.

On a completely different note, I have to share this other eating thing with you. Recently, Whole Foods started stocking ice cream from Milk Bar and oh my gosh, you NEED to try it. The cereal milk ice cream is made with frozen custard and it’s divine. Also, yes, I can have a scoop of ice cream for dessert and still eat healthy…I just need to make sure I don’t eat the whole pint!


Honestly, while I’m writing this, kind of great. As I mentioned, the stress that I thought would let up last month hasn’t, but today I feel great. I took an extra day off of work to give myself a four day weekend and took a long walk this morning before doing a quick work out. Now I’m sitting at a Starbucks doing blog work. I haven’t done this in so long (over a year) and it feels so good to doing something so normal. I think I need to go back to working in a coffee shop once a week just for some normality


No where at the moment and it feels amazing. After 6 weeks straight of traveling, not traveling is just as good. My fiance and I have an overnight trip planned to Anapolis (just to get away), but other than that, I get to be a homebody, which is wonderful.


Nothing….is what I want to say after all the stress shopping I’ve done the last few months, but that would be a little big of a lie. I’m going to a wedding over Labor Day weekend, so I’ve been doing a little bit of dress shopping. If I can’t find anything, I have some options in my closet that’ll work in a pinch, but it’s always fun to find a new dress.

Here are some of the dresses that I’ve looked at!


That I love Hallmark way more that I thought. Is that silly? Like most women my age, I knew I liked Hallmark (or at least liked to joke watch Hallmark Christmas movies), but in my time of needing Hallmark comfort, I’ve started to really enjoy it. Or rather, I’ve started to really enjoy one particular movie/tv series, The Good Witch. Have you seen it before? The Good Witch started as a movie series and then became so popular that it’s turned into a long running tv series. I started watching the tv show with my mom when I was home in June and then I enjoyed The Good Witch so much I started watching it from the beginning on Netflix. Then my mom told me that there were actually five movies before the tv show. I decided to pause watching the series to go back and watch the movies. It’s a treasure chest of show. The Good Witch is SO wholesome, but just what you need when you need something comforting. Have you watched it before? Please let me know because I need someone else to talk about it with!

As always, linking up with Anne In Residence

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