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Currently, Vol. 7

Currently, Vol. 7 | Something Good, kanye west owes me $300, jack rogers marianne boots, ankle boots
To it finally being Fall! So lame, I know, but I’m a total cold weather girl and I’ve been waiting to bring out my pants and sweaters. I think we’ve finally gotten there and oh lordy my sweater collection is excited.
my closet and apartment! I went on a cleaning spree last weekend and it felt amazing. I forgot how much I love when my apartment doesn’t look like a hot mess and I’m a little more inspired now to keep it clean. However, for this to work, I’m going to have to seriously work on my clutter problem.
about my plans for this weekend. I have a three day weekend coming up this weekend and I’m having dreams of baked goods and curling up on the couch to read. There’s going to have to be some hours of blog work in there somewhere, but I’m focusing on the baking right now. Any suggestions for what I should make? I’m thinking something pumpkin flavored (of course).
…or rather trying not to buy anything! I already got some really good deals this month (I may have gotten these shoes for $100 off) and so now I’m trying to tamper down my spending. We’ve seen how well that’s gone in the past though, so I’ll let you know how that goes.
to Kayne West Owes Me $300. A nerdy white Jewish rapper who almost makes it big. I’m listening to it on audiobook and it’s amazing. While the author is reading the book, it includes raps he wrote as a 12 year old and he has a British man reading them. Enough said.
So what’s currently going on in your life?
As always, linking up for the Currently Link Up!
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