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Blogger Bloopers, Vol. 2

Happy Monday! 
….well kind of. Let’s be honest guys, it’s Monday. Most of us have had multiple days off of work and I wouldn’t mind if that vacation kept going just a little bit longer.. In an attempt to brighten up your day (and mine), I bring you even more blogger bloopers! Yup, that’s right, they’re back.
I’m not going to lie, these pictures aren’t pretty. These are all the pictures that my parents definitely aren’t going to print out and frame on their desks.* 
I have a tendency to make weird faces, dance it out, and burst out laughing in the middle of shoots. While it makes for an entertaining shoot, it does not make for the prettiest pictures. I promise you, none of these pictures are posed.
And with, have a good laugh on my behalf. Don’t worry, I’m laughing with you.
(And Lauren and Rosa are laughing even harder)
Yes, I make that face normally.

Four out of five photo shoots consist of me fighting the wind.
This was from my first shoot with Lauren. Yes, I’m still completely shocked that she was willing to keep taking pictures with me. 
Anyone else’s hair get caught in their sunglasses? Just me? Oh.
Lauren probably tried to get me to walk again…we’ve discovered that I’m not very good at walking.
Warning, don’t make me wait too long when it’s cold and windy.
Because then I develop disdain for the weather
Start shouting at Rosa to “Come at me bro!”
This is how basically how I look between every take when it’s cold.
What? You told me to look happy and smile?
For the record, Rosa told me that my mouth wouldn’t be in this picture.
This was probably me saying some sarcastic comment that I thought was really clever. Joke was on me. Dana 0, Lauren 1.
Sometimes I start watching traffic and get distracted.
This actually isn’t a blooper, it’s a still from my audition tape for a shampoo commercial.
The funniest part of all of this? I have about 6 more posts worth of pictures. Get ready for “Dance It Out” Blooper Edition!
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