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Audiobooks for Your Holiday Travel

I love audiobooks. Seriously. The ability to be able to read something when I have to do something else and can’t actually look at a book? Amazing.
Audiobooks are also great for those crazy long car rides where you can only do carpool karaoke for so long before you’re exhausted and your throat is sore (I tend to top out around 30 minutes).
My current favorite audiobooks lately have been memoirs (the funnier, the better), but I’ve also had a few great fiction books thrown in. Here are some audiobooks that will be perfect for keeping you entertained and awake for your next car ride.

Talking as Fast as I Can
Okay, this is actually the only book on this list that I haven’t read yet…but Lauren Graham narrates the audiobook and it talks about her time on Gilmore Girls. So if you like Gilmore Girls, give it a shot. I know I will.

Kayne West Owes me $300
A white Jewish rap who almost made it big. His raps are read by an old British man. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.

I’ve loved Anna Kendrick since her camp days and dear god this book just makes me love her even more.
Do you love The Princess Bride? You’ll love this book.
The Book of Unknown Americans – a little heavier of a book that my other picks, but it’s a must read. First, the story is amazing. Second, while the story focuses primarily on one immigrant family, other characters are brought in to tell their own immigration stories. The audiobook has different/actors voices for these roles and it’s an amazing touch.
What audiobooks have you listened to lately? Any plans to listen to one this month?
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