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About Me


Thanks for taking the time to visit Something Good,

I originally started Something Good in the winter of 2012 as an outlet for my cooking and crafting obsession. (Which is still going strong and makes occasional blog appearances). After taking a break due to the stress of grad school, I decided to restart it in the Fall of 2013 with a focus on fashion.

Something Good became my way to explore new styles, develop my personal style, and learn how to budget appropriately for my wardrobe. I hoped I could help my readers find their styles and share my tips for saving money when they went shopping.

Something Good has continue to evolve over the years. Now that we are in 2018, it’s taken on it’s current form as a place for women to learn how to build their wardrobe without going broke. I’m focusing in on teaching women that retailers’ pricing schemes shouldn’t dictate how they spend their money or build their wardrobes. That it’s not necessarily about where you buy, but what you want to buy. It’s an exciting conversation and I’m glad that you’re reading along with me.

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

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If you’re interested in collaborating…

Visit my collaborations page or send an email to for my media kit and more information.

Where did the name Something Good come from?

A while back I saw the quote: “every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” While I was in grad school, I felt was really important for me to remember that. When I started the blog back up, it was still important to me. Here, I can use this space to share my “something good’s” in style and the other little things that make my day “good.”

Want to know a little bit more about Dana, the woman behind Something Good?

Interested in collaborating? Email for more information.

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